20 September 2010

The Prism of War

It has occurred to me that war wasn't invented by the Muslims or by the Christians. It wasn't invented by a group of people who so strongly and firmly believed having more means having the greater power.

The war was invented by individual minds. Collected. Actualized. And you can just imagine the havoc it wreaked.

And so then I looked into myself and thought about WAR. In its deepest sense. Every man has his own war. A war against LOVE not because love is a bad thing but because declaring war against it would somehow mean having a strong shield against hurt and pain.

A war against DREAMS. Or maybe not dreams per se but the road that leads us to achieving them. The road proves narrow and steep and rough and we start to lose sight of our goal. We begin to hesitate. And at the dawn of that hesitation, we have declared war against those dreams we had since childhood.

A war against FAITH. It would be too arrogant to call it RELIGION for I know only a little about it. It's faith that makes it more human. We may have definite names and terms referring to sects and religion we belong to but we cannot name our faith. Faith becomes stronger when it's wavering. Ironic you may say but I believe that the moment one becomes certain of its entirety, a war has been declared against it.

A war against WAR. The inner battles we try to conceal to put up a strong facade. The smiles we have to make to cover the crumbling that's really happening inside. When we can't make up our minds as to admit we're vulnerable or we can still take a crap from life.

And the list goes on and on. The faces of war. The little wars we have everyday. The big wars that make it on TV. 

But what makes it a war is the CAUSE. I know some of my causes. And some of them I discovered in the middle of the rampage.