31 July 2011


‎"No, do not call me to say you miss me. Do not text me, do not e-mail me... do not write it on my wall! If you really miss me, come here and tell me that!"

28 July 2011

Confessions of a (still) Broken Heart

Dear Heart,

I wonder when will you ever stop going back to memory lane altogether stop thinking about could haves and should haves. Are they doing you any good? Tell me. You belong to this person who rarely regrets and who rarely looks back. What the f*k is happening now? Few minutes ago, brain was thinking about a beach and what has really become of your owner now?! Imagine a BEACH! She's never been a beach person. But.. Oh never mind.. 
To the man who left you in ruins. Boy he was good.. You're a heart hardened by cynicism but he managed to break you well. And your owner, she's done her best NOT to use you in situations she should have. Could you really blame her? Picking up your missing pieces took her almost a year. The longest dark moments of her life. Please cooperate. I heard she's not using you for the next coming months. 

Flickering Consciousness