09 January 2011

A Piece I will Read again by 2012


We just had our first staff meeting for the year. As I took down notes, can't help but scribble "10" instead of "11". And I bet, some of you had the same experience ;)

The thing I said about me still learning my ABCs in the world of NGOs (GOs included) - that's a fact. Delving into new projects always makes me feel like the newcomer. The eager one to learn about IPs, Agri Gov, etc. And with this, I got my hands firmly holding the ropes that feed me knowledge and strength and teach me humility and genuine care for other people.

I never thought SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT could be this fun! :D


If there's one thing as NORMAL as BREATHING, it's LOVING. (you can quote me on that *grins*)
The thing with us humans is that we tell ourselves and we tell others we're tired of "it". And usually, we say this after we got hurt. But fact remains: "There's no such thing as tired of IT."
The best cure there is to hurt and pain of the past: LOVE AGAIN. Love and love until it hurts no more.

Now you may not take this seriously or [make that] take me seriously (considering I just asked God to keep me single this year -LMAO) but really, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE :)

Now it may take months and years before you finally get over someone - that's normal. If it's any consolation, if it's still hurting, IT MUST HAVE BEEN REAL. And real these days - is a RARE thing to happen.

And so I vowed to surround myself with family and friends - they're love too. People will hate me for being me, I respect that. I say sorry for the wrongs I've done because sorry isn't tantamount to GUILT. I will laugh more often. Smile to everybody. Cry. And again, LOVE. (teeeheee!lol)


Stop wasting your energy understanding life. We're meant to live life. And by living it, we get the real meaning.

Don't spend too much time planning every little details of your life. Some things we got control over, but admit there are also things which you can never plan ahead.

One of the best things life has given us is TIME. Never say you're busy or you WILL surely be BUSY.

Be angry if there's a NEED to be angry but don't be angry ALL THE TIME.

Speak your mind. But know when to keep thoughts to yourself.

Don't worry too much. The only place it will take you is NOWHERE.

Don't mind other people's lives. You have your own life to mull over.

Forgive. Even if you haven't heard people's "SORRY".

Respect. Especially other people's faith.

Challenge and take challenges.

Read. That's traveling for FREE.

You're entitled to talk nonsense every now and then. We all ARE.

Stand up for what is RIGHT.

Say PLEASE and THANK YOU. And mean them.

Remember: "Different strokes for different folks."

Take PHOTOS. Soon, your memory will fail you.

Your FAMILY is your first and last REFUGE.

Your SIBLINGS are your original best friends. Hold them dearly.

EMPATHY is NOT putting up with people who refuse to grow. Sometimes, you can only do so much.

Be spontaneous.

But be predictable too.

Take care of your HEART. But do that without breaking other people's hearts.

Believe in second, third, fourth CHANCES.

But know when to STOP.

KISS a stranger. That is, do things you've NEVER tried doing before.

Be fair.

Supply advices. But don't IMPOSE them.

Make mistakes.

Make lousy decisions.

