25 February 2011

EDSA. Mozilla. Coffee

February 25, 2011
25th People Power Anniversary

Outside, the rain sounds pissed. Inside, my brother's watching "The Departed". This came after I stupidly nagged at him for staying at home (he's supposed to be going to school- my persistent thought) and there came his retort, "Holiday man ron!".  And that's the end of it.

I woke up feeling frustrated and disappointed. This is the 2nd or 3rd day actually. Work frustrates me. My own me disappoints me. Google chrome with its Tagalog pop-ups/commands/whatnot gets into me. I opened Mozilla instead. But I'm using IE as I'm doing this. I am doomed. And I don't want to care. Don't want to care.

Coffee is my opium. But not now. It's liquified valium. I just made that up. But that's how it feels. So kindly throw me your greatest coffee playlist. At full blast please.