21 August 2021

August Rush

 Nah. This isn't some movie review entry. Take the title as it is.

It's not just a sprint. It's a  MARATHON. 

And while I know I shouldn't be squeezing this entry in amidst all the rushing, I need this breather so bad. My head is not a good place to be right now. It's like an internet browser with too many tabs and windows opened. My emotional health? Pretty much of it is dependent on what's happening above it so yeah, you get the picture. It's chaos.

I'm beating myself up for not being able to read a page or 2 of my current read daily. The only thing that keeps my sanity intact is escaping this world and be somewhere else - depends on where's my current read's setting. 

So I'm leaving this right here and find my antidote. This kind of chaos is not worth indulging especially when you're even made to look like you're not doing much. How easy it is for some people to reduce one's hard work into shit, really. That's takes a special talent and a thicker face. I am not made for this kind of world.