22 September 2013

The Christmas Spirit

This one could be another incoherent and jumping-from-one-point-to-the-other post from me but there's no stopping me. And I will not apologize for it either :)

My partner and I just finished watching two (2) Christmas [themed] movies (although he didn't really get to finish the second film but he made it pass the middle part so he's totally forgiven) and I can't help but be reminded that Christmas is just 90 more days away. Sounds like still a light year away but with how fast time seems to be going these days, the next time we wake up will be that December 25th almost everyone knows about.

You see, Christmas always have a special spot in my heart. And I didn't realize that till college. My memories of childhood Christmas vary from happy to sad and tragic but even the tragedies and misfortunes didn't get me to hate, not even a bit, Christmas. This is not to get poetic and melodramatic about the subject (although it will likely sound one) but I love Christmas for so many reasons. NO, it has nothing to do with all the food and the celebration and merry-making. I think they are the marshmallows in your hot chocolate.

I love Christmas because it never fails to remind me that no matter how dragging and difficult life has been for you the entire year (perhaps), there is one day you look forward to. It's like being trapped in a very long dark and dingy tunnel but knowing there is a light at the end of it, you crawl your way out. That one day may not be able to change your life in a very magnanimous (and it's crazy to expect such, really) way but the hope that you hold on to and the faith that you keep are more than enough to say LIFE WILL BE BETTER and you know it because you are capable of turning things around.

I love Christmas because as a child, I remember sneaking out at night when everybody was asleep and climbing to the top of our water reservoir and lying there feeling the cold air and counting the stars (literally). I don't know if anyone of you would agree or anyone of you seems to notice that there are more stars in the sky at night at the start of "-ber" months. The memory always makes me happy. 

It's like people have bigger hearts on Christmas. We forgive, we try to forget, we try to revive some dying relationships, we give, we give more, we ignore, we tolerate, we open our minds, we pray more, and we love more. For that, I love Christmas.

As for me, a new mother, a life-partner, a daughter, a sibling, a work mate and a friend, Christmas has been given more meaning since last year (the year my son was born). Christmas can't take away the troubles you and I have right now. That's a fact. But you can always think of Christmas as the fireplace that offers you warmth on cold December nights or the mainit na tsokolate at puto bumbong you make or bring home after the dawn mass.

I love Christmas simply as it is. Happy Christmas to you :)

This is Iris's (Kate Winslet's) cottage in "The Holiday".
The house is like a fairy-tale come true, I like it so much.

The Christmas movies I mentioned above are "A Christmas Carol" and "The Holiday". The second one I may have watched more than twice, it's one of my favorite Christmas movies. Also, please check out "The Polar Express" - I have memorized the scenes and some lines of that movie. Who wouldn't when there isn't a week wherein that movie isn't played. It's one of the recent favorites of Franco.