31 December 2013

An Obligatory Year-ender Blah

You may have read one too many of new year's resolutions and about how the year's about to end but I haven't. Not even one. And yes, it's not because I don't want to read any but I am just one of the many who tries to stretch the last remaining days of the year. Stubbornly trying to squeeze all types and forms of fun and family oriented activities I could think of for the last 2 days (we are set to go back home day after the first of January 2014). But it's just humanly impossible and giving in to the spontaneous and random never hurt, so yeah.

Thoughts before 2013 ends:


 Well, ever since I became a mom I started finding the word priority a little absurd. There are things in life which are all equally important to us. Every time one asks me what's my priority, I mentally punch the person in the nose. Make it priorities for pete's sake! Being a mother is a priority for me. But so is my career (and other things!). And it literally hurts my brain to think I have to choose which of which is more important because they both or all are. If there's something you can do to never let choosing one over the other happen, DO IT.
You would never want to see yourself few years from now regretting and plenty of what if's. You can't give yourself fully to something if in your heart, there is that another thing that you deeply want and cared for. Challenges are meant to unleash ideas, creativity and MORE effort from you so release the Super You!


Motherhood is both a blessing and a grace. It takes you to become a mother to understand your own mother. All the nagging you once found senseless and irritating are now filtered with understanding and patience. Now, I can't seem to look at my mother without feeling a little warm in my chest and remembering the years she endured to raise us, I admire her. I think you really come to a point wherein you see things differently and you feel closer to your siblings and parents and you're more tolerant of faults and shortcomings because you have come to accept that what your parents and siblings are is partly who you are. And I would love to see this light in a positive manner. I don't want to think about the flaws my siblings or my parents have and take that as a reflection of me because nothings comes out of all negative and dark stuff. I want to focus on what motivates me to become better.


I am neither a religious nor a spiritual person. You can't find me frequenting the church or constantly down on my knees praying. But I don't think I have to be one to know acknowledge that someone out there watches over me and carries me whenever I can't seem to take things anymore. Your faith is your greater source of strength so it's important to bank on it. This 2013, I have been awed and amazed a lot of times on how great He is. His works are never simple but if your faith is unyielding and paired with efforts of your own, things turn around and you come out a victor and more stronger and wiser.

Uhm. Here comes the infamous new year's resolutions:

1. Work hard
2. Speak gently
3. Speak the truth
4. Exercise
5. Do Yoga
6. Do boxing
7. Eat healthy
8. Travel light and enjoy!
9. Sleep 6-8 hours
10. Commute
11. Save
12. Invest
13. Keep in touch with friends and families
14. Be more patient
15. Be more tolerant
16. Be humble
17. Choose your battles
18. Be brave
19. Love yourself
20. Speak love
21. Drink a lot of water
22. Take care of your skin
23. Be spontaneous
24. Read more!
25. Write more!
26. Give without reservations
27. Receive with whole-heart
28. Be a woman for others
29. Study again
30. Explore possibilities 

This will do.


eveyone!! :-)