30 October 2011


I woke up before 10 am. That may be a little late but considering I've slept around 2-ish (or something), that's just alright. Ha! Why am I defending it?? :P

For some reason, the first thing that came into my mind (while I was looking for my mobile phone charger) has been this:

"I know we're not exclusive but please be careful with me."

Guess I've said that to the wrong guy. Been with the wrong guy the past couple of months. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

But isn't that what we always tell ourselves when people tend to hurt us? And I say I don't care if they know it or not. 

Also, I gotta be careful. I got a new friend who's been quite patient reading/scanning my entries and he has bluntly stated the obvious: 

"Ang emo ng mga posts mo." - ha! Isang malaking che! LOL

But that person is actually right. Oh well, for one, I don't stay in front of my pc drafting new entries when I'm too happy. 

That's what I'm trying now. *wink*

Despite last night's sullen mood, I woke up feeling okay; feeling hopeful. Life is good. I can feel God smiling at me. 

I'll keep on smiling :-)

Patrick: "Oh east! I thought you said weast."

Listening to: "Falling Out of Trees" by Barcelona