13 August 2010

Basic Indifference Ingredient: HATE

Do not hate HATE.
I am NOT an advocate of hatred. I simply want to cite instances where hating can actually become beneficial.

So now you're raising a brow, I do perfectly understand that. But hear me out. And to be blunt about it, honey, I don't need your agreement.

Sprinkle a little hatred and you'll be fine:

1. When forgetting becomes too burdensome - choose to hate. And I think that could be a good start. And you can either choose to hate the things and the people you want to forget or you can choose to hate yourself.

The former is easier to do but I recommend the latter. To hate someone/something means having reasons which would validate and justify the feeling. You can't hate and musn't hate someone/something because you feel like it. Hating has responsibilities too.

2. Hate SILENCE. Hearing the truth is more comfortable. Silence is for cowards. You don't have all the time in the world. If people can't give the truth you deserve, let guilt kill them.

3. Hate those who are constantly and/or forever CONFUSED. The cowards in the guise of goody-goodies with fake halos. Sometimes, there's only YES and NO. No MAYBEs. MAYBEs are for selfish individuals who want to play it safe all the time. SCREW them!

You think it's gonna be difficult but we all have to start making and taking baby steps. So give it a go. Give it a try. And let me know how it "helped" you. Cheers!