14 November 2011

A Christmas Carol

If this is the end I've been dreading for the past couple of months, they are all coming to me rather harshly. But I deserve this, perhaps so. I shall not cover my eyes and pretend to see and hear nothing.

From this time on, Christmas died. And I say this with sobs in between. I won't apologize for my weakness now. Being strong didn't get me anywhere. Or maybe it did. To HELL.

I am not pessimistic either. Things are what they appear to be. Right now. 

I don't believe in goodbyes. True enough, they really hurt. Especially the ones that you didn't see coming. But goodbye isn't the end. It is the start.

In this large space continuum, I am but one tiny dust ONLY. I don't matter.

The God I usually depend on disowned me. I am on my own.

The safest form I can take now is that of a SHADOW.

Night comes. Light will come knocking few hours from now. Again, NO more Christmas.